Simpex Nutzungsbedingungen


valid from: 18.02.2016


Terms of Use for Websites




SPAR Business Services Gmbh

Europastraße 3

5015 Salzburg



FN 68396 h, Landesgericht Salzburg

Tel .: +43 (0) 662 4470-83046

E-Mail: [email protected]


1. Scope and definitions

1.1 The term "Websites" covers all websites published by SPAR ICS.

1.2 These Terms of Use apply to all offers, contents, information, services and deliveries of whatever nature ("Services"), which SPAR ICS provides on the retrievable websites. By using the Services, you accept these Terms of Use.

1.3 "Users" are all persons who access and use the Websites.

1.4 Users can contact SPAR ICS via [email protected].

1.5 SPAR ICS reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. SPAR ICS will publish the amended Terms of Use on the Site so that the amended Terms of Use will be effective immediately upon publication to the Users. The website always reads the current terms of use and the date of the last update.


2. Copyrights, obligations of conduct, infringement of property rights of third parties

2.1. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright or rights of use of all content provided by SPAR ICS websites (images, illustrations, texts, animations, videos, music, data, etc.) and the materials used for them are owned exclusively by SPAR ICS or a group affiliate Companies. The use of the content made available on the websites is only permitted for personal information purposes; the modification, duplication, distribution, inclusion or reproduction of the content in other websites or other media or systems requires the express prior written consent of SPAR ICS. The use of marks (eg brands, logos), regardless of the presence of a symbol ® or ™, is expressly prohibited. Insofar as hyperlinks to third-party software are used, the regulations of this provider apply and its rights must be observed.

2.2. SPAR ICS is entitled to block access to the Websites if a user violates legal obligations or obligations based on these Terms of Use.


3. Availability and liability

3.1. In order to be able to use the contents of the websites to the full extent, SPAR ICS recommends the use of the respectively latest (browser) technologies or their use (for example activation of Java scripts). Using older technologies may mean that the user has limited use of the contents of the website.

3.2. SPAR ICS shall not be liable for any content, information or programs that are distributed on the websites or for damages that result from them, unless such damages are caused by SPAR ICS intentionally or through gross negligence. This applies to all types of damage, including but not limited to damage caused by errors, delays or interruptions in transmission, technical and service malfunctions, inaccuracies or omissions, loss of or deletion of data, viruses or otherwise the use of this online offer may arise.

3.3. SPAR ICS has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information it provides on this website is accurate and complete at the time of its deployment. SPAR ICS assumes no responsibility for the content, accuracy, legality and functionality of websites of third parties, to which by means of links such as hyperlinks or other content that is provided directly or indirectly on the websites. Page views about links are always at your own risk.


4. Use of cookies

4.1. Among the domains of the websites so-called "cookies" are used. Detailed information on the use of cookies on the web pages can be obtained by clicking on "More Information". At this point, you can also revoke your consent to the use of cookies.


5. General

5.1. Access to and use of the web pages is governed by Austrian law. All disputes between a user and SPAR ICS that can not be settled out of court will be settled exclusively by the competent court of the state capital of Salzburg.

5.2. Should individual provisions of these Terms of Use be or become ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.